Faithful Innovation Online Community

September 14, 2020 - March 15, 2021
Offered by Luther Seminary
2481 Como Avenue
St. PaulMN55108

Join a Dedicated Cohort of Christian Leaders Who Want to Be More Effective in Ministry While Living a More Joyful and Faith-Focused Life

Through a dynamic online learning community of ecumenical congergations, you and your congregation will engage ancient spiritual practices and leading-edge innovation theory as you discover ways to join God in forming Christian faith in community.

The world is changing—and not just because of the emotional, physical, and financial strain caused by COVID-19 and the social unrest resulting from the persistent sin of racism.

The truth is, we’re in the midst of a dramatic cultural shift—and we have been for some time.

And you know as well as anyone: it’s having a significant impact on the church.

Formerly strong congregations are left with rows of empty pews, low morale, and a feeling of stagnation.

Many Christian leaders who were once filled with joy and a sense of excitement in ministry are suffering through an overwhelming sense of ineffectiveness.

If this sounds familiar, it’s very important for you to know that it’s not your fault.

You didn’t cause these seismic changes, nor can you stop them.

We can’t go back to church as it was…

But we can discover the faithful future into which God is calling us.

That’s what the Faithful Innovation Online Community is all about.

Listen, Act, Share

In the Faithful Innovation Online Community, you’ll engage three simple but powerful practices that will help you discern God’s leadership and change the culture of your congregation: listen, act, share.

What You’ll Learn

Here’s just some of what you can expect to learn over these nine transformative months.

  • Develop a deeper understanding of where God is leading your congregation.

  • Organize and implement a discernment-based mission plan.

  • Explore how to communicate the gospel in an increasingly secular context.

  • Identify and experience what it means to be the church in a new way.

  • Convey a clear vision of ministry so that your members can better share the good news with their neighbors.

  • Equip your congregation to make deeper connections with God, each other, and your neighbors.