Everyday Faith: Living in God’s Story Vocation

November 11, 2014 - November 13, 2014
Offered by Luther Seminary
St. Paul MN


November 11-13, 2014

What does the formation of vibrant and compelling faith look like in a world of many cultures, religions and consumer brands? In a multi-year congregational research project devoted to this question, participants rallied around the possibilities of narrative (i.e., story) for this important work. Learn the why and how behind intentionally engaging story—God’s and ours—for cultivating everyday faith after Christendom.

Tuition: $195

Contact Hours: 14

Class Times: Tuesday, 1-4:40 p.m. Wednesday-Thursday, 8 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Seminar Leaders:

Rolf Jacobson, Associate Professor of Old Testamant, Luther Seminary

Lois Malcom, Associate Professor of Systematic Theology, Luther Seminary

Register Online Now!

Categories: Biblical Studies  |  Lifelong Learning  |  Seminars