Gerald May Seminar
Eighth Gerald G. May Seminar
Save the date for 2014 — March 28 & 29, 2014
Past Seminar with John Philip Newell videos and information below
Friday, May 17, 2013, 7-9 pm, $25
Saturday, May 18, 2013, 10 am-4 pm, $75
The great spiritual quest of the Western world today is not about belief in God. It is about the experience of God. It is about seeking to encounter Sacredness now—in the earth, in our relationships with one another, and in the simple disciplines of contemplative practice.
In a Friday night lecture and a Saturday workshop, John Philip Newell—drawing on the ancient insights of Celtic Spirituality—will explore a spirituality of intimacy with the natural world, a spirituality that opens to the treasure of other religious traditions, and a spirituality that grounds its commitment to justice in the daily practice of prayer and meditation.
Friday night’s talk will include meditative chanting; the Saturday workshop will be more experiential, with silence, meditative practice and small- and large-group sharing.
Please bring a bag lunch for Saturday, or you may drive to Rockville during the lunch break.
John Philip Newell is a poet, peacemaker, and scholar. He divides his time between Edinburgh where he does most of his writing and the US where he teaches and preaches across the nation. Formerly Warden of Iona Abbey in the Western Isles of Scotland, he is now Companion Theologian for the American Spirituality Center of Casa del Sol at Ghost Ranch in New Mexico. The co-founder of Salva Terra: A Vision Towards Earth’s Healing, he is an ordained Church of Scotland minister with a passion for peace among the great wisdom traditions of humanity. He is internationally acclaimed for his work in the field of Celtic spirituality and has authored over 15 books, including Listening for the Heartbeat of God, Christ of the Celts, Praying with the Earth, and most recently, A New Harmony: the Spirit, the Earth, & the Human Soul. In 2011, he received Shalem’s Contemplative Voices Award.
The Gerald May Seminar is offered in memory of the life and legacy of Gerald (Jerry) May. Jerry served on Shalem’s staff for many years and was our Senior Fellow for Contemplative Theology and Psychology. The Seminar is held every year to strengthen the great themes of contemplative understanding and practice that Jerry so valued.
Interested in last year’s Gerald May Seminar resources?
Cynthia Bourgeault recordings and resources here:
Click here to view a Reading List suggested by Cynthia and link to buy the books on Amazon.
Click here to view Cynthia’s answers to audience questions.
Registration closed. Tickets may be purchased at the door.
To contact Program Registrar, Chris Jeffrey: [email protected] This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , (301-897-7334)
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Rockville, please click here to view directions.
100 Welsh Park Drive, Rockville, MD 20850
Live Stream *RECORDING* with John Philip Newell: Environmental Awareness & Contemplative Practice
**If you register for the LiveStream after 2pm on Friday, May 17th, you will be sent an e-mail on Monday with directions on how to view the Recording of the event.**
If you cannot attend John Philip Newell’s Friday night presentation in person, sign up to view the recording of the live streaming of Friday night’s program. This is a special online opportunity to see the world with fresh eyes under the tutelage of an extraordinary Celtic scholar and to share with others as Newell opens our awareness of earth’s essential interrelatedness. You will be able to watch the recording as many times as you like for 90 days after the event.
Date: Friday, May 17, 2013
Time: 7:00- 9:00 PM
Price: $20
By registering for the streaming, you will have the freedom to watch a recording of this event online repeatedly anytime for 90 days after the event.
Technical requirements: Computer requirements are similar to those needed to watch a YouTube video. Live phone tech support will be provided.
Directions for viewing: At some point before the Friday event, you will receive an e-mail with the subject line “Shalem LiveStream” (if you are having trouble finding the e-mail on Friday, search for “Shalem LiveStream” from [email protected] This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ). The e-mail will include a link to the viewing website, your password, and a technical assistance phone number.
Once you receive the e-mail, we recommend that you take a moment to test the website on your computer before Friday. Please call Tech support if you are having trouble, because Shalem is unable to offer refunds for technical difficulties.
Please click here to register.