Education, Design and Leadership: ASPIRE Foundation Program 2012

June 17, 2012 - June 22, 2012

Education, Design and Leadership: ASPIRE Foundation Program 2012

Jun 17 – Jun 22, 2012

Sun 7:00 PM – Fri 1:00 PM


“An incredible learning experience, powered by excellent leadership and dedication to the process” 2011 participant

“It is very hands-on, we get to experience the theory, learn from others and learn from our mistakes.” 2011 participant

“With the ASPIRE model at first I struggled with it but, as more examples were shown in a personal level, I’ve become aware that this can actually fit anywhere.” 2011 participant

“This is a participatory learning process that will help me be more deliberate and perceptive in community dialogues I lead” 2010 participant

“…encourages you to think deeply about your experiences, fostering a deeper understanding and providing insights”2010 participant

“…supported me to be brave and open in leadership” 2010 participant

“…gives everyone a chance to learn, reflect and think about ways forward” 2010 participant

“It is tremendously safe and revitalizing” 2010 participant

“Frees your brain” 2010 participant.

Our Purpose: We understand the purpose of authentic education to be the transformation of self and society so that all may live to their full potential. Our aim is to contribute to building a peaceful, equitable global society in which we live in right relationship with each other and the world around us. We believe that to become more fully human, we must take part in the humanizing process of both action, and reflection on our actions, both as individuals and collectively. We strive to model this action-reflection process in all our programs and to embody respect for the learner as the subject and centre of her/his own learning.

Our program: This is a foundational program at the heart of Tatamagouche Centre. It allows you to learn effective facilitation skills and creative program design, leading to transformational community learning and development. Using an experiential approach participants are afforded In-depth practice, discussion, and reflection. Whether you organize meetings, workshops or design complex projects or programs, this is an opportunity for you to gain skills, clarify leadership styles and deepen insights into group work. Designed for both experienced and novice facilitators, participants will learn and practice this popular education methodology developed and honed by Tatamagouche Centre over 30 years.

Drawing from a number of sources including human relations training, popular adult education, participatory development, spiritual growth, and organizational planning, the ASPIRE model of the Tatamagouche Centre combines theory and practice in “action-reflection” cycles through which participants learn from their own experience and efforts. It is this participatory, “hands-on” learning process, combined with inputs from contemporary adult education, human development and social change theory, which constitute the heart of the model.

The ASPIRE Model is now foundational for many community education programs throughout the Maritime region in Canada. Educators trained in this model apply it within community, church, organizational, small business, and social change settings. In addition, program resource people linked with the Centre have contextualized the model for use in Africa and Latin America. As well, it is basic for various adult education and training of trainers programs within the Coady International Institute, Antigonish, both in Canada and in other parts of the world.

Program Cost $765.00 ($375 tuition+$400 meals/accommodations)


Wilf Bean

Wilf Bean, PRG has a major interest is in transformational adult education for personal and community-based development. He has worked extensively overseas with the Coady International Institute, St Francis Xavier University, throughout Asia, Africa and the Caribbean. He also has a love of music ranging from folk, to bluegrass, spirituals,… you name it. And he has been known to pick away happily on his mandolin, guitar and banjo.

Martha Martin

Martha Martin recently returned from a sabbatical in Northern Ireland at the Corrymeela peace-building institute. She is a Diaconal Minister doing educational ministry at St. Andrew’s United Church in Halifax, and is also the United Church of Canada Chaplain at Dalhousie University. She is the former Faith and Spirituality Coordinator with the Tatamaoguche Centre and very involved in youth and young adult programming.

For more information please visit the website.

Categories: Leadership  |  Ministry  |  Programs