Ecumenism and Spirituality lived and practiced by young people

September 15, 2015 - September 19, 2015
Offered by


Bali, Indonesia, 15-19 September 2015

An important trend of today’s world is that young people are much more articulate about their values and beliefs than they had been in the past. Young people are increasingly aware of the contradictions and contentiousness of religious issues, not only from their own traditions but also regarding the wider role of religions and faith. Significant life experiences of young people are shaping their journeys of faith.

Young people agree today that spirituality means positive personal and social development and that spiritual development is a constant, ongoing and dynamic interplay between one’s inward journey and one’s outward journey in multi-faith and multi-cultural societies.

In addition to providing lectures and resources about spirituality and ecumenism, this seminar will value and encourage the sharing of the lived spiritualities of participants and will facilitate reflection and dialogue among the participants on the basis of these experiences towards inspiring forms and practices of spirituality that can enrich the pilgrimage of justice and peace.

Providing ecumenical formation and sharing spiritual experiences for and among young people, the seminar facilitates reflection on current issues of spirituality in church and society from the perspective of young people. The participants will deepen their knowledge and understanding of different spiritualties that contribute to the pilgrimage of justice and peace.

Invited to participate are young adults below 30 who are actively engaged in WCC member churches and international ecumenical youth organizations

This seminar will be led by Ms Carla Khiyojan (convenor), with Rev. Dr Esther Pudo and Prof. Dr Amele Ekue

Categories: Ecumenism  |  Seminars  |  Spirituality