Ecumenism: An Inroduction

January 1, 1970

Ecumenism: An Inroduction

Written and facilitated by Dr. Donna Geernaert, SC

Offered in the Fall Term (limited enrolment accepted)

This 12-week course is offered by St. Francis Xavier University through distance education (print-based).

The restoration of unity among all Christians was one of the principle aims of the Second Vatican Council.

This course will begin with a definition of ecumenism and what it means to be ecumenical. The focus will be on steps that have been taken and are being taken to promote the search for Christian unity both internationally and in Canada. Achievements of the World Council of Churches, the Canadian Council of Churches, and various bilateral dialogues will be highlighted.

Differences and Divisions in the First Millennium will begin with a review of aspects of unity and diversity in the early church. Students will then be invited to reflect on how these early diversities gave rise to a number of serious divisions. What issues were at stake? What meaning do these ancient controversies have for Christians today? How are these East/West divisions being addressed in recent ecumenical dialogue?

Ecumenism in the Church of the West will begin with a review of the history of division in the Western Church. What issues were at stake? How do these issues differ from the controversies which divided the Eastern and Western church at the end of the first millennium? This module will include a summary of early efforts at ecumenism, the formation of the World Council of Churches and the impact of the Second Vatican Council on the search for Christian unity.

Progress in Ecumenical Dialogue will begin with a review of the dialogue process, as well as the principles and various forms of ecumenical dialogue. This module will provide an overview of the various dialogues which are taking place both internationally and in Canada. What agreements have been reached? What issues remain unresolved? What concrete steps are needed to promote greater unity among Christians? What would a “spirituality of dialogue” look like?

This will be a non-credit, 12-week, distance education (print based) course beginning in September 2003. There are no exams in the course. Participants will submit two written assignments, one half-way through the course, and the final assignment to be submitted the week following the end of the course.

Participants are encouraged to contact the course instructor during designated office hours (toll-free number) or by e-mail. The office staff are available from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (Nova Scotia time), Monday to Friday, to help you. You can contact us by e-mail, fax or on the toll free line.

$475 (tax deductible).

Other fees: Application fees do not apply to this course, nor are there textbooks to purchase as the course writer has not designated a particular textbook for this course. Required readings will be included with your print package.

Participants will receive a certificate upon successful completion of the course.

Please contact the Program Office ([email protected]) to receive a registration form or for further details.

To request a registration form or further details, contact

Ministry Programs
Continuing & Distance Education Department
St. Francis Xavier University
P.0. Box 5000
Antigonish, NS.
B2G 2W5

902-867-3319 or Toll free (within Canada): 1-877-867-5562
Fax 902-867-5154
E-mail [email protected]

For more information please visit the website.