The PhD program trains candidates to carry out innovative research. Successful candidates qualify to teach theological (and related) subjects in universities, liberal arts colleges and theological schools. Candidates are also equipped for positions of leadership in ecclesiastical and related organizations, or for academically enhanced ministerial practice.
Wycliffe’s PhD program is administered by the Toronto School of Theology. Students apply directly to the TST but name Wycliffe as their home college.
Who’s It For?
- Those with prior theological training and a qualifying master’s degree, who wish to gain the analytical skills, methodological rigour and knowledge base that will enable them to carry out innovative research at the leading edges of their areas of specialization.
Time to Complete
- Four years full-time; six years maximum
- Six courses in the student’s chosen field of study, from over 90 graduate course offerings
- Complete a major research thesis of not more than 80,000 words, supervised by a member of Wycliffe College faculty
- Two cohort courses about research, scholarship and pedagogy
- Develop competence in a minimum of two research languages, other than English
- Four years of full-time study, with up to six years maximum to complete studies
- Complete two qualifying examinations at the end of coursework
For more information about this program
Please see the Graduate Degree Handbook.
How to Apply
The application for admission to the Toronto School of Theology, which sets forth the applicant’s academic background and objectives.
Major scholarships are available domestically and internationally, including the Thompson Doctoral Fellowship and Weston Doctoral Entrance Scholarships. The Canadian Doctoral Full-Tuition Scholarship covers 100% of tuition costs for 5 years for domestic students demonstrating financial need.

“The access to prominent scholars, the relationships with fellow doctoral students, and the discussions that take place at the College have challenged me to be a better scholar and teacher. The PhD program at Wycliffe has allowed me to flourish in my passion for researching and interpreting scriptures.”
– Jeehoon Kim, PhD ‘19