Diaconate Courses Christian Studies Program

January 1, 1970

Diaconate Courses Christian Studies Program

Canterbury College offers several courses each year which will be of interest to individuals preparing for a more active role as lay or ordained leaders in their Parish. They may also be of general interest to other lay people who desire a better understanding of Christianity. These courses meet the academic requirements for candidates preparing for ordination to the Diaconate in the Diocese of Huron. There are twelve certificate courses in this programme.

Introduction to Anglican Church History (Core Course) CC-CS-02

This course will address the history of the Christian Church from Pentecost through to the present day. The student will learn how to understand historical events from the perspective of both church history and the history of civilization. Furthermore, there will be an emphasis on the development of the Catholic, Apostolic and Anglican ecclesiastical traditions.

Introduction to Homiletics and Communication (Core Course) CC-CS-03

The student will have a hands-on opportunity to learn how to be an effective communicator of the Gospel through the discipline of homiletics. The class will critique each member’s sermon(s) or presentation(s). By the conclusion of the course the student should be able to understand the purpose and place of preaching the Divine liturgy, and also how to prepare and deliver an effective homily or sermon.

Spiritual Formation 1 CC-CS-04

This course intends to explore a wide variety of resources God has made available through the Church for spiritual formation both in and through the servant minister’s journey with Christ and His people. It is expected that such an exploration will reveal God’s desire to nourish us for a lifetime of service.

Introduction to the New Testament (Core Course) CC-CS-05

This course introduces the student to the New Testament by surveying its content, background and composition. The examination of both the Gospels and Pauline Literature will be included. Upon completion of this course the student will have the basis for further studies in the New Testament.

Introduction to the Old Testament (Core Course) CC-CS-06

This course introduces the student to the content of the Old Testament and of its background and composition. It will include the structure and history of the Old Testament and also the terminology used in the critical interpretation of the Hebrew Scriptures. Upon completion, the student will have the basic background for further Old Testament studies.

Introduction to Pastoral Care (Core Course) CC-CS-07

This course if for those who minister to other in homes, residences, hospitals and other settings. Its focus is to give the student an opportunity to learn creative listening skills and basic skills for pastoral counselling. As well, the course will give an objective approach for referring the patient/parishioner to a more experienced or trained pastoral counselor.

Introduction to Systematic and Moral Theology (Core Course) CC-CS-08

The course covers the development and response to the origin of sin and evil and to the goodness of God. Discussion on topics such as the meaning of redemption as understood from an Old Testament perspective and the New Testament themes such as reconciliation and forgiveness will be discussed. The participant will also be introduced to Christian Ethics and current ethical thought, and its application in the life of the Christian community. The student by the end of the course should be able to articulate the foundational themes of Christian Theology.

Introduction to Christian Worship from an Anglican Perspective (Core Course) CC-CS-09

This course will enable the student to have a broad understanding of the liturgical life of the whole church, and to gain insight into the compilation of the Book of Common Prayer and the culture shifts which have influenced the use of the Book of Alternative Services. Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to lead a congregation in the Morning and Evening Prayer.

Formation of Ministry for the Diaconate (Elective Course) CC-CS-21

This course is only for those who are potentially seeking Ordination to the Diaconate. It is recognized and understood in the process of formation for ministry that personal development is crucial for a successful ministry. This course will enable the inquirer, as well as a candidate for Ordination, to reflect on their readiness for ministry and validate their desire to be ordained to the Office of Deacon. Included are topics such as the role of the deacon within the local parish, personal use of the Daily Office of Morning and Evening prayer and the use of journals to record areas of personal and spiritual growth, moments of divine insight and future response.

Pastoral Support for the Suffering (Death and Dying) (Elective Course) CC-CS-22

This course addresses the issue of providing pastoral support to the suffering, the dying and the bereaved. There will be an overview of the historical development of Christianity’s approach to death, dying, grief and afterlife. The course will offer the participants the opportunity to examine their own attitudes as well as provide some therapeutic tools for assisting the suffering.

Church Music – In the Anglican Tradition (Elective Course) CC-CS-23

In this course the student will find out what is behind the extraordinary music which is found in the Anglican Choral Tradition. The time spent in the classroom and in independent study will enhance the student’s appreciation and enjoyment of church music. Emphasis will be placed on learning how to use the rich history and resources of sacred music in small choir/congregational settings. Upon the completion of the course the student will have a sufficient skill and knowledge to lead public worship and select appropriate music for Sunday Liturgy and other occasions.

Introduction to Anglican Tradition and Spirituality (Elective Course) CC-CS-24

This course will survey the historical roots of the Anglican Tradition, giving the student an opportunity to gain insight and understanding as to the development of the church’s interaction with the Monarchy and the British Parliament, and to the role of Ecclesiastical Authority within the church and state. Other topics will include the missionary thrust of the 19th century and the liturgical practices of the church, both prior to and after the English Reformation.

Effective Parish Leadership, Administration and Canon Law CC-CS-25

This course is designed to give the student an opportunity to develop oversight and leadership skills by case studies, role-playing, audio/video presentations and sharing common knowledge. By the end of the course, the student should be able to chair a meeting and have an understanding of parish administration, communication, conflict resolution and the Canons of the Diocese.

Introduction to Practical Ministry (Elective Course) CC-CS-26

This elective course will survey the practical aspects of a Deacon in parish work and provide the student with the skills to deal with such aspects of outreach ministry as preparing for a funeral, marriage preparation, preparation for Confirmation, and First Communion, hospital visitation and preparation for Baptism.

Selected Topics in the Old Testament: The Psalms (Elective Course) CC-CS-27

This course will provide participants with an in-depth study of the Book of Psalms and the use of critical methods appropriate to exegesis for selected psalms. Singing and chanting the psalms will be explored. Consideration will also be given to the selection of psalms appropriate to particular circumstances

For more information please visit the website.

Categories: Anglican Studies  |  Diaconal Ministry  |  Programs