Create Affirming Congregations 2012
Jun 15 – Jun 16, 2012
Fri 7:00 PM – Sat 4:00 PM
Do you want to become a more inclusive congregation?
Whether your congregation has been Affirming for years or is just considering becoming recognized as an Affirming Congregation, you will be informed and sustained by this gathering. Learn from the stories of others what has worked, and what to avoid in forming, maintaining and deepening an Affirming Congregation.
Program Cost: $195 ($116 tuition+$79 meals/accommodations)
Rev. Bob Johnson
Rev. Bob Johnson retired United Church minister and former President of Maritime Conference, brings a depth of practical experience in supporting the development of Affirming Congregations.
Pat De Meo
Pat De Meo is on the Leadership Team of the Atlantic Jubilee Program in Spiritual Deepening and Spiritual Guidance. She is a Professor of French language and culture at Dalhousie University, with a background in inter-cultural communication, group dynamics and staff support and supervision.
For more information please visit the website.