Courage & Renewal® Retreat: Reconnecting with True Self through Life’s Transitions

November 2, 2015 - November 4, 2015
Offered by Five Oaks Centre

Courage & Renewal® Retreat: Reconnecting with True Self through Life’s Transitions

Start: Nov 2, 2015 @ 2:00 PM
End: Nov 4, 2015 @ 12:30 PM
Cost: $465.00

Includes meals and accommodation.
The program ends with lunch on Wednesday.

“If we attempt to act and do things for others or for the world without deepening our own self-understanding, our own freedom, integrity, and capacity to love, we will not have anything to give to others.”  ~ Thomas Merton

“In transition” is a frequent description of both the situations in which we find ourselves, and our personal state of being. This retreats is an opportunity, within a Circle of Trust®, to explore the rhythms of your own soul through the transitions in which you find yourself – in work, relationships, role and elsewhere.

Regardless of how you describe your current life transitions, this will be a time to reconnect with your deepest gifts and widest possibilities; to deepen your “self-understanding, freedom, integrity, and capacity to love” through it all.

This retreat is for anyone seeking renewal of personal identity, professional integrity and vocational vitality, awakening that which changes our lives from within.

Deadline for registration is October 2, 2015.


Mardi Tindal has facilitated leadership formation with people of all kinds of vocations and organizations. She is a facilitator with the Center for Courage & Renewal and with the International Institute for Restorative Practices. She is also Past Moderator of The United Church of Canada.

Fred Monteith is a Courage and Renewal facilitator. He served for fifteen years on the staff of Hamilton Conference of the United Church as Minister of Congregational Support and Executive Secretary. Fred has many years experience and training in group processes and facilitation.

When you regsiter for this program please submit a ‘personal statement’ (no more than 600 words) in a separate document to let us know why you are interested in attending this retreat program and how you hope to benefit. Briefly describe the setting in which you do your work and a question you may be holding.

register for this event