Building An Interfaith Community

August 12, 2013 - August 30, 2013
CH-1299 Crans-près-Céligny




12-30 AUGUST 2013


Building an Interfaith Community- Summer Course 2013

This month long course is designed to enable participants to encounter each oth-er in mutual respect, to learn together, and to challenge and overcome stereo-types. While fully respecting and affirming each particular faith identity, the overall question to be explored is: What can we, as people of faith, do to re-spond and to overcome, the pressing challenges of our time as violence and con-flict and build together mutually accountable societies based on respect and cooperation?

The course is open to young people between 18-35 years, with a maximum of 30 people to be accepted on the course. Participants should be well grounded in their own faiths and be positioned to influence the thinking of members of their wider faith communities after completion of the summer course. The structure of the programme will include spiritual exposure and sharing reflection on sa-cred scriptures as well as lectures and workshops on thematic issues.

The cost of the course is CHF 3,300

including course tuition, board and lodging. The Institute offers generous scholarship support to those students who qualify and demonstrate a need.

Application forms and further information is available by emailing Kelly Brownlee at  [email protected]

The deadline for applications is April 1, 2013






The Ecumnical Institute

P.O. Box 1000

CH-1299 Crans-près-Céligny


Phone: +41 22-960-7300 Fax: +41 22-960-7310 Course Administrative: Kelly Brownlee

Email: [email protected]



Categories: Courses  |  Ecumenism  |  Institutes