Explore the western highland region of Guatemala while meeting BTS partners working to defend and protect their natural resources. Meet indigenous communities facing large-scale development projects and their struggle for justice. Explore permaculture and sustainable agriculture projects as well as fair-trade and organic alternatives. Learn about the political struggle for labour rights. A challenging and rewarding experience that will open your eyes and heart!
Deadline for application: March 31, 2013.
Two pre-departure orientation sessions will happen at Tatamagouche Centre prior to the delegation. A debrief will be scheduled following the delegation. Dates to be determined.
Program Cost: TBA (this includes orientation sessions, debriefing, meals, accommodations and in-country travel, support, and translation).
Participants are responsible for arranging and purchasing their own flight or travel to and from Guatemala and must arrive in Guatemala City by October 25. BTS will support delegates to purchase a suitable flight. Delegates are also responsible for acquiring extended medical insurance.