Blanket Exercise: Understanding First Nations History in Canada

April 11, 2016
Offered by Five Oaks Centre
Paris ON

Blanket Exercise: Understanding First Nations History in Canada


Monday, April 11, 2016.

The Blanket Exercise is an enormously popular and successful teaching tool that uses participatory popular education methodology to raise awareness and understanding of the history of the relationship between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples in Canada. Since its creation in 1996 as a creative, innovative and interactive way to educate Indigenous and non-Indigenous people about the major themes and recommendations of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples, the Blanket Exercise has been conducted hundreds of times with thousands of people of all ages and from all backgrounds.


Members of Nations Uniting will facilitate the process. Nations Uniting on Six Nations is a place to share and recapture the vision of the Elders – Seers and Sages of the ages in the pursuit of peace and the common good for all people within the bounds of Six Nations and New Credit Reserves and with all our neighbours in the Grand River Valley. It is a place to bring Spiritual leaders together to share their visions and to find what is common in their faith journeys.

Cost is by donation.

In order to fully live out our commitment to reconciliation, half of the proceeds from these workshops will be donated toward the ‘Save the Evidence’ campaign to restore the former Mohawk institute in Brantford, Ontario and the other half will help support youth to attend Wampum at Five Oaks.

Please RSVP by emailing Jenny  or call 519-442-3212.