Beyond Abundance: Faithful Stewardship Language to Fit Our Realities

August 23, 2017
Offered by Luther Seminary
St. Paul MN

Beyond Abundance: Faithful Stewardship Language to Fit Our Realities

August 23, 2017 Lay Leadership

For years, stewardship sermons and annual campaign materials have emphasized “God’s abundance” in contrast to our culture’s “myth of scarcity.” While this rhetoric of abundance vs. scarcity is a faithful way to frame broader realities, it can fall short when applied to specific circumstances. What does abundance mean for congregations facing budget deficits, young adults burdened by student loans or older members who have not saved sufficiently for retirement? Yet, surely we should not abandon scripture and its liturgy of God’s abundance. In keynote presentations, discussions and activities, this event will consider the language of stewardship, rethinking traditional messages, as well as discovering new words and practices.

Co-sponsored by the Center for Stewardship Leaders. 

Tuition includes lunch

Tuition: $50

Contact Hours: 5

Class Times:

10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m

Seminar Leaders:

Adam Copeland, Director of Stewardship Leaders, Luther Seminary

Categories: Communications  |  Seminars  |  Stewardship