Associates’ Work/Study Week

May 3, 2015 - May 9, 2015
Offered by Sorrento Centre
Sorrento BC



Associates’ Work/Study Week:

The Prayer that Jesus Taught Us with Peter Elliott and Sue Cruickshank


The Prayer that Jesus Taught Us with Peter Elliott and Sue Cruickshank This course will provide participants with an exploration of the meaning, language and spirituality of the Abba (Lord’s) Prayer. John Dominic Crossan describes it as, “…a prayer from the heart of Judaism on the lips of Christianity for the conscience of the world.” (From The Greatest Prayer: Rediscovering the Revolutionary Message of the Lord’s Prayer, New York, HarperCollins, 2010.)

The Lord’s Prayer is prayed world-wide. It holds a vision of unity, forgiveness, compassion and purpose.

Course materials will include a draft version of the, as yet, unpublished booklet Day by Day with The Lord’s Prayer. It offers a prayer practice to focus on one of the 7 petitions one day a week. In the course we will reflect on each of the 7 petitions of the Lord’s Prayer through addresses, guided reflection, silence, music, movement, and art.

SUE CRUICKSHANK is a member of Christ Church Cathedral parish in Vancouver. She is a retired educator and artist. Sue spent the month of June in 2013 as ‘Artist in Residence’ at Sorrento Centre. She produced a series of paintings inspired by her studies of the Abba prayer.

PETER ELLIOTT has been the Dean of Christ Church Cathedral in Vancouver since 1994. Peter is increasingly drawn to the Lord’s Prayer as a challenging summary of the teaching of Jesus – and has enjoyed sharing this material in parish retreats. Having a week to explore with course participants and with Sue is something he is looking forward to.



For more information please visit the website.






Categories: Lifelong Learning  |  Prayer  |  Programs