“You guys were awesome! Made it worthwhile and you are the major reason why I will be back.” Past participants
This unique men’s program, in its 22nd year, offers participants an opportunity to canoe through the remote backcountry of southwestern Nova Scotia.
We will paddle through a stunning autumnal landscape that will inspire the photographer, writer and artist in each of us. Inspired by the landscape and the supportive atmosphere created by the wilderness journey, we will take time to share stories unique to our male experiences. Each day there is time to relax, reflect and enjoy the solace the wilderness offers. For those who are interested, an overnight solo experience is an optional part of the program. Father and son combinations are welcome.
Each year we alternate routes between the cranberry rich lakes along the Roseway system, and the mystical old growth of Sporting Lake.
No previous wilderness experience necessary. Participants must be comfortable in the water and be in reasonably good health. All meals and group equipment provided.
Program Cost: $570 (includes program fees, all meals, canoes & equipment)
Please register at least 2 weeks in advance to secure your spot in this program.
Hantford Lewis
Hantford Lewis has been in the woods since he was two weeks old, and has been canoeing the Tobeatic for 35 years and kayaking on Saint Mary’s Bay for 15 years. He is co-owner and operator of Hinterland Adventures and Gear.
Brian Braganza
Brian Braganza, Program Resource Group (PRG) facilitator. Brian is a Program Associate with HeartWood Centre for Community Youth Development and co-founder of the Bridgewater Community Christmas Society. Brian’s other pursuits include wilderness travel and he has been leading wilderness trips for 15 years. Brian lives on a farm in rural Nova Scotia with his wife and daughter and is currently writing a poetry manuscript that is an exploration and a building of home.