This year, there is a movement afoot! Some of us have been working together on environmental issues such as species at risk, anti-fracking and protection of watersheds (to name but a few!). Others have been moved toward reconciliation, learning about our legacy of Residential Schools. Many of us participated at the Wabanaki Confederacy Gathering last September, and are meeting the challenge of commitment to right relationships together, as originally envisioned by the Treaties. All of us are focusing on a new horizon together – a horizon of peace, justice, health and wellbeing for all. We are finding hope in each other, in the goodwill of learning hard lessons, and taking committed action together.
So, what is this new road we are walking? What are the pitfalls? What are the opportunities? What will this journey look like, and how can we best accomplish it side-by-side?
This year, our 4-day Gathering will focus on strength and resources for this new journey. We will learn from Elders the basis for spiritual strength through challenging times. We will learn how to build relationships and work across different cultures. We will discover strategies and practices for staying connected, trustworthy and positive together. We could get pretty discouraged, given our track record so far. So, we’ll have to learn to laugh and cry together – and all come out the better for it on the other side!
Our daily rhythm of activities will include early Morning Ceremony, focused Talking Circles before lunch, special workshops, cultural experiences or quiet time during the afternoons, and then evening processes to reflect and debrief the day. All are welcome to come for as little or as long as you can. Particular daily topics will be based upon the presence of key resource people (TBA).
Program Cost: $430 ($192.50 tuition + $237.50 meals/accommodations)
Pro-rated for however long you can attend. Tenting/camping is an option.
Please register at least 2 weeks in advance to secure your place in this program.