A Maker’s Pilgrimage
Led By: Br. Aidan Owen, OHC
Fee: $280 (Deposit: $100)
April 4- April 6, 2018
A pilgrimage is an outward, physical journey that marks an movement to the heart of Christ, where we find the fullness and freedom of our truest self. In this retreat, we will explore making (needlework, woodwork, gardening, pottery, and any other manual art) as a form of pilgrimage. Drawing on a diverse set of sources including contemplative Christian writing, contemporary philosophy, and Jungian psychology, we will come to see our crafts as ways of becoming more fully human and more fully alive. Themes may include the sacredness of creation, radical incarnation, contemplation through action, rootedness and a sense of place, moving through resistance to God, rest, and Sabbath. Our schedule will leave time for silence, the opportunity to join the monastic community for the Divine Office, and unstructured time for social engagement. Please bring an open mind and your craft or crafts of choice.