A Discussion on the Future of The Church (Ecclesiology)

June 14, 2012 - June 15, 2012

A Discussion on the Future of the Church

Sponsored by the Institute for Pastoral Leadership

June 14-15, 2012

Princeton Theological Seminary’s School of Christian Vocation and Mission


This course will provide both projections about the future church and about the current paths to that future. Participants are invited into a discussion to envision a way how they might contribute and make an impact on the future of the church. This course will be a “participatory learning environment”, where each has an opportunity to relate the material and newer insights in relationship to their ministry context. There will be lectures, interactive seminars, and a panel discussion.


John Roberto is president of LifelongFaith Associates, editor of the journal Lifelong Faith, and coordinator for the Faith Formation 2020 Initiative. John also works on the Vibrant Faith Ministries team as project coordinator of the Faith Formation Learning Exchange. John works as a consultant to churches and national organizations, teaches courses and conducts workshops in faith formation, and has authored books and program manuals in youth ministry, family ministry, and intergenerational faith formation.

Bruce Reyes-Chow is a native Northern Californian and third generation Chinese/Filipino who has been living in San Francisco since 1998. From January 2000-May 2011, he was the founding pastor of Mission Bay Community Church, a church of 20/30-somethings in San Francisco, CA and from 2008-2010 was Moderator of the 218th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA). He is currently one of those “consultant” types who makes his way, writing, speaking, teaching and drinking coffee. An avid social networker and blogger, he is committed to expressing a Christian faith that is beautifully complex, unimaginably just and excruciatingly gracious. He blogs and tweets on issues of faith, culture, technology, race, politics, parenting and urban living.

Contact Info

Additional questions may be asked by telephone at 609.497.7990 or by e-mail at [email protected].

For more information please visit the website.

Categories: Courses  |  Ministry