2018 Low-Beer Lecture

September 27, 2018
Offered by

Young Carers in the Spotlight

AMI’s 2018 Low-Beer Lecture

You don’t want to miss our Low-Beer lecture on September 27, where we will screen I Am Still Your Child, followed by a panel discussion with cast and crew alongside writer Rebecca Heinisch, author of Anna and the Sea, a book for children with a parent suffering from mental illness.

More than half a million of Canada’s frontline mental healthcare “workers” are less than twelve years old.

There is a lack of awareness and support for young caregivers on a global scale. “Young carers are not officially recognized as a specific population, with their own unique needs,” says Megan Durnford, director of I Am Still Your Child. They have a tremendous responsibility on their shoulders, and lack support at home and from their governments. “They are doing it out of love, but also because they have to,” says Durnford. “The danger is, what’s the emotional toll?”

By shedding light and working towards better awareness, we hope to prevent the potential emotional and other costs of young caregiving.

Thursday, September 27 at 7pm
Oscar Peterson Concert Hall
7141 Sherbrooke West
Free admission
Presentation in English