2018 Barth Pastors Conference

June 21, 2018 - June 23, 2018
Princeton, NJ

Theme: The Witness of the Pastor

June 21-23, 2018

The Karl Barth Pastors Conference constructively utilizes Karl Barth’s life and theology as a rich resource for pastors in the twenty-first century. The conference seeks to be a hybrid space that unites deep theological reflection with the needs and concerns of pastors serving in the church today. Each lecture and workshop throughout the course of the conference explores various ways in which Barth’s service as a pastor and his lifelong theological contributions might offer creative and stimulating resources for the pastor’s work including preaching, pastoral care, social/political concerns and engagement, and witnessing to the Gospel in the world.

The 2018 Karl Barth’s Pastor’s Conference will be held on June 21-23 at Princeton Theological Seminary. The theme of this year’s conference will be “The Witness of the Pastor.” The conference will consist of three evening plenary lectures, an extended lecture series, various workshops, and a special message from Eugene Peterson on Friday evening.

We hope you will join us!

Categories: Conferences  |  Culture/Theology  |  Ministry