2016 Couchiching Institute on Public Affairs

August 5, 2016 - August 7, 2016
Offered by

The Canada Project:
Identity, Citizenship, and Nationhood in a Changing World

More than just a conference, this historic event is unlike any other event. The shores of Lake Couchiching provide the ideal backdrop to explore issues shaping our world through panel discussions, interactive breakout sessions as well as chats around the campfire. Everyone is welcome to attend and contribute to the discussions and overall Couchiching experience.  



On the eve of Canada’s 150th anniversary as a federation, the annual Couchiching Summer Conference asks: who are we as a country, and what kind of country do we want to become? For better or worse, the social experiment that is Canada offers a cutting-edge example of response to a world with increasingly blurred borders.

The 2016 Summer Conference will tackle the big picture questions about citizenship, immigration and identity and how these shape the evolving notion of nationhood. From coast to coast to coast, communities and individuals may live within the geo-political boundaries that define Canada, but our experiences vary greatly. It is often said our strength as a country arises from the diversity of our identities. How will our differences intersect with the values we share to shape our public policy debates for the next 150 years?

We have a fascinating line-up of speakers over the weekend including:

Nahlah Ayed, Desmond Cole, Isadore Day, Fay Faraday, Ingrid Mattson, Jason Kenny, John McArthur, Keith Neuman, Doug Saunders, Simon Tremblay-Pepin

Review the program outline and session descriptions


Categories: Conferences  |  Leadership  |  Lifelong Learning