Land-Based Wellness I: Personal Healing and Wellness

Personal wellness is essential to quality of life and longevity, particularly in ministry. The application of conscious wellness practices prevents burn-out and compassion fatigue. This course introduces students to current wellness research and a variety of practices promoting physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellness (including gathering and preparation of plant medicines, decolonized yoga, mindfulness, art, …
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Does Your Character Preach?

This week-long seminar, directed by Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung, is designed for preachers, church and campus ministry leaders, professors and others dedicated to work that shapes worship. We will explore questions such as, Why does cultivating Christlike character matter for how we preach? How do virtues such as wisdom and love, humility and gratitude, hope and …
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Free to be me

What is preventing you from accepting yourself just as you are? Many of us spend so much time trying to be someone else rather than being ourselves. Rather than comparing our lives and experiences to others -we should embrace and enjoy the things that make us who we are! The most important relationship that you …
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