Intergenerational Wholeness for Asian Americans

Integrative Approaches to Christian Spiritual and Mental Health Formation Is migration a form of trauma? How does the migration experience of the first generation continue to affect the second and third generation family members? How do these formative social conditions challenge our Christian practices of spiritual formation, discipleship, and leadership for the Asian American faith …
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2024 International Black Clergy Conference

Save the date for African Descent Ministries’ (ADM) 2024 International Black Clergy Conference. This important upcoming conference and educational event will convene at the Baltimore Marriott Inner Harbor Camden Yards, Baltimore, Md., April 8-11, 2024. The International Black Clergy Conference is a triennial event. In addition to bishops, priests, and deacons from The Episcopal Church, …
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Rest is Resistance

What would it be like to live in a well-rested world? Engage with the Rest is Resistance framework which is rooted in Black liberation theology, womanist theology. spirituality and a politics of refusal. This course explores the tenets of The Nap Ministry and uplifts the following questions: How can we be more human when capitalism attempts to …
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Leading with Hope in Anxious Times: Renew, Resourcing Pastors and Church Leaders for Ministry

Throughout the Old and New Testaments, people have turned to God for hope when they were anxious or disquieted (Psalm 42:11). Today, we live in disquieting times. As pastors, church leaders, and congregations, we may feel a vague sense of guilt over our inability to right wrongs of the past. We may also be disquieted …
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Forgiveness–What is it and why is it so hard?

Have you experienced deep disappointment, hurt or betrayal in an important relationship? Do you continue to suffer from a conflict or trauma that occurred long ago? Are unresolved issues affecting your health, finances or relationships? This interactive workshop identifies the stumbling blocks to forgiveness, and then provides positive, practical methods to work through anger, blame …
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