Spirituality of the Arts Come and spend time “being” creative in a sacred, safe and peaceful environment. This retreat offers an opportunity to look at creative ways of self-expression and how this can help in meditation and prayer. No experience necessary! What is important is what happens when you use creativity and the arts, rather …
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Contemplative Retreat
Contemplative Retreat Facilitated by John Govan, S.J., this retreat offers you an opportunity to learn about quiet prayer and understand what God is doing when nothing seems to be happening. It is helpful for people who already have a relationship with God and are just beginning to feel called to let God take the lead. …
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Advent Prayer Weekend
Advent Prayer Weekend Facilitated by John Govan, S.J. There have been many miraculous births recorded in Scripture before the Annunciation. In all of them, the person asks God for a child. However, when it came time for Jesus to become human, God takes the initiative and asks Mary if she will allow God to become …
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Advent Prayer Weekend
Advent Prayer Weekend Facilitated by John Govan, S.J. There have been many miraculous births recorded in Scripture before the Annunciation. In all of them, the person asks God for a child. However, when it came time for Jesus to become human, God takes the initiative and asks Mary if she will allow God to become …
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One Foot in Eden
Emery House Retreats May 24-26, 2013 (Friday to Sunday) One Foot in Eden Scripture is full of images of gardens. This weekend retreat at Emery House will offer times to ponder the image of the garden from Eden to Gethsemane to the Garden of the Tomb as well as times to work in the gardens …
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Welcome Dear Feast of Lent
Emery House Retreats March 8-10, 2013 (Friday to Sunday) Welcome Dear Feast of Lent George Herbert, the great Seventeenth Century Anglican poet begins his poem Lent: Ash Wednesday with these evocative words. As we begin our Lenten journey we will use this poem as a touchstone to see how Lent can be for us a …
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Contentment: Freedom Found within Limitation
Emery House Retreats February 14-17, 2013 (Thursday to Sunday) Contentment: Freedom Found within Limitation Contentment is a spiritual grace, saying “yes” to what is. What is now is sufficient. Contentment is the channeling of the desire downwards – plumbing the depths – rather than outwards, endlessly surfing for more. Jesus tells us, “I am with …
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For God Alone My Soul in Silence Waits
Emery House Retreats January 18-20, 2013 For God Alone My Soul in Silence Waits (Friday to Sunday) Amidst the tyranny of distractions and demands on our attention, Jesus comes knocking at the door of our soul. This weekend retreat will include teaching on quieting the heart, and on stillness and listening in prayer. Retreat leader: …
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Waiting in the Dark
Emery House Retreats November 30 – December 2, 2012 (Friday to Sunday) Waiting in the Dark Our experience of life begins in the security and darkness of our mother’s womb. In our own lifetimes, an element of darkness never completely eludes us, as true about the sky as it is about the soul. We will …
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Living in the Real Present
Emery House Retreats October 4-7, 2012 Living in the Real Present This weekend retreat, in the beautiful sanctuary of our rural Emery House property, will offer an experience of being really present to the real presence of Christ, now. We will draw on our senses, the cadence of poetry, music, and the gift of movement, …
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