Join the Rev. Erin Jean Warde in a 10-week discernment of how we are in relationship with alcohol. In this course, the discernment will be both interior and exterior, as you learn more about alcohol in the global and cultural context, and are given tools to look inward spiritually. You’ll explore how alcohol affects us …
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The Great Outdoors: Finding Faith in the Fields and Forests
From outdoor prayer walks to small groups to churches that only meet outside, many Christians in Canada are finding renewal in their faith by heading outdoors. What gifts does getting outside give to us and how can embodied practices and a deep connection to the land revitalize our connection to God? Come and learn from …
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Christian Theology: An Introduction by Alister McGrath
Gain an overview of the basic themes of Christian theology with reference to theological thinkers both from history and in our present day. With a focus on the connection between theology and a number of important areas of faith, we will explore eleven core theological themes: God; creation; the identity of Christ; the work of …
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The Engaged Spirituality of Jesus with John Bell
The incarnation is a term often associated with the birth of Jesus. It should properly refer to his while life and ministry, for the Word which became enfleshed at Bethlehem stayed enfleshed until the Ascension. As distinct from John the Baptist, Jesus’ expression of Spirituality is not an ascetic strain best suited to hermits, but …
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The Practice of Finding
Seeking is in vogue these days. Many of us are continually striving and seeking — for one thing or another. As our commercial culture pumps into us a potent message of scarcity and deprivation, our seeking possesses the potential to become obsessive and addictive as we require more and more. Will we ever be satisfied? …
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Spirituality of Everyday Life: Learning from the Celtic, Benedictine, Franciscan and Ignatian Traditions
This course is about embodying an authentic spirituality that is rooted and lived out in the ordinariness of our daily existence—a life with God that is both human and holy – an everyday spirituality (based on exploring and learning from the varying yet overlapping features of Celtic, Benedictine, Franciscan, and Ignatian spiritualities). It seeks to …
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Listening to the Heart of Genesis: A Contemplative Path
The purpose of the course is to introduce students to a new gateway to the Book of Genesis through a Jewish contemplative practice called kriat hakodesh (reading the sacred) which has its roots in the Christian practice of lectio divina. Students will learn at least five important stories from the Book of Genesis and the …
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The Bible through Art and Artifact III : The Bible and Wonder
This course combines engaging study of the Bible with some of Yale’s greatest treasures, delivered to you virtually! Each class is divided into two sections. The first part of class we will engage biblical texts around the theme of wonder. The second part enriches our learning with a related online tour of one of Yale’s stunning collections, guided …
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Summer Dream & Spirituality Conference (Hybrid)
“Sacred Earth: Sacred Soul.” We are honored to spend time in person at Kanuga with Joy Harjo who served three terms as the 23rd Poet Laureate of the United States 2019-2022. The path to wholeness involves waking up to the deep knowledge of our sacred relationship to the Earth. This path is affirmed in many traditions: Jung’s …
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Does Your Character Preach?
This week-long seminar, directed by Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung, is designed for preachers, church and campus ministry leaders, professors and others dedicated to work that shapes worship. We will explore questions such as, Why does cultivating Christlike character matter for how we preach? How do virtues such as wisdom and love, humility and gratitude, hope and …
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