Individual Directed Retreats

  Individual Directed Retreats     During the 40-Day Spiritual Exercises Institute and during any of our scheduled retreats, it is possible to come for a directed retreat of a shorter duration. You can choose the dates most suitable to your schedule. This type of retreat is extremely popular and acceptance is based on the …
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8-Day Directed Retreats

  8-Day Directed Retreats     In these retreats, a director is assigned to each retreatant. In meeting the director each day the retreatant is aided in noticing the reality of God’s presence and activity, coming to trust what has been noticed and finally, responding to this presence and activity. There is no pre-set pattern …
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Advent Prayer Weekend

  Advent Prayer Weekend     Facilitated by John Govan, S.J. There have been many miraculous births recorded in Scripture before the Annunciation. In all of them, the person asks God for a child. However, when it came time for Jesus to become human, God takes the initiative and asks Mary if she will allow …
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Contemplative Retreat

  Contemplative Retreat     Facilitated by John Govan, S.J., this retreat offers you an opportunity to learn about quiet prayer and understand what God is doing when nothing seems to be happening.  It is helpful for people who already have a relationship with God and are just beginning to feel called to let God …
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Easter Triduum Retreat

  Easter Triduum Retreat     For those who wish to make only the Easter Triduum Retreat, the Triduum (or the Great Three Days) begins at 8pm Holy Thursday with the celebration of the Lord’s Supper and Washing of the Feet. The Good Friday celebration at 3pm focuses on the reading of John’s Passion Narrative, …
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Advent & Lenten Taizé

  Advent & Lenten Taizé     Facilitated by Erik Oland, S.J., Tarcia Gerwing, and Yvonne Prowse Beginning with Evening Prayer on Friday, the retreat schedule follows the Taizé monastic pattern of the day – morning, noon, and evening prayer. The retreats close on Sunday noon with Eucharist. The weekends will be punctuated with brief …
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