PIVOT FROM PANIC: DEACONS FOR A POST-PANDEMIC CHURCH La traducción al español se retrasa. Vuelve de nuevo la semana que viene.Lo siento mucho. A newly designed A3D Conference, all online and affordable at $65.00! For all those interested in deacon formation, supervision and pastoral care. Each diocese envisions the diaconate in a contextually customized way. When the …
View course details “Association of Episcopal Deacons 2021 Conference”
Mission Possible
Join this workshop to discover your congregation’s “why”; its mission in the community. At the core of what we do as a church is why we do it. Yes, it should all be centered on God, but how each congregation lives into that centeredness has to do with our stories. Stories as a people of …
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Graduate Certificate in Adaptive and Innovative Ministry
The Graduate Certificate in Adaptive and Innovative Ministry forms innovating leaders who listen to the Holy Spirit and to their communities, who convene and lead teams in discerning God’s work, and who maintain individual and community practices to renew their souls enabling deeper discernment in their own life and their community’s life and calling. Accompanied by a …
View course details “Graduate Certificate in Adaptive and Innovative Ministry”