How can we prepare for our death? This five-session workshop provides you with an opportunity to give a gift to those who will be taking care of your affairs, fulfilling responsibilities that must be discharged when you die. The workshops will cover some of the nuts and bolts such as required documents, your digital estate, …
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Living Fully with Illness
“Even though I am ill, I will not live like a sick person.” Dr. Jinroh Itami (This mantra is not about denial of illness and its related side effects. Rather it is reminding us not to allow our illness to dominate our entire life.) Join Trudy Boyle for this new program offered in partnership with Naramata …
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Minor in Pastoral Studies (30 Credits)
An initiation to Evangelical Studies by way of an incursion into Scripture, theology, missiology and pastoral practices. The student acquires conceptual tools as well as basic skills necessary to interact with and serve both Church and society. The Minor in Pastoral Studies leads to a Université Laval diploma or can be the first year of …
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The Possibility of Age: Discover Aging as a Spiritual Path
Online with Barbara Richards Are you facing the uncharted post-career years, wondering what’s next? Many of us who are approaching the third chapter of life feel unsettled, restless, and adrift. We sense the years 55 to 80+ can be some of our best, but we don’t know how to navigate the changes that come with …
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Hebrew Bible: Ecclesiastes on Living and Dying
In this class, we’ll read Ecclesiastes as a reflection on the joys, difficulties, and frustrations of daily life. After considering, on the first day, how the book reflects on communal and individual experiences in ancient Israel, we will then turn to three case studies: the ethics of work, enjoyment in times of empires, and death …
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Heaven in the Theological Imagination
The concept of heaven has played an important role in Christian thought since the earliest New Testament writings, and the Christian vision of Heaven has influenced the world. How do we intersect with this concept, starting with what we were taught and continuing through the sense-making we’ve done for ourselves around the idea of heaven? …
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Diaconal Theology and Practice
This course is an introduction to the diaconate, what it is and what roles it fulfils. Since the publication of Baptism, Eucharist And Ministry in 1982, the Western church has been developing its understanding of diaconal ministers and their part in the life of the church. Lutherans and Anglicans have done much of this work …
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Course Listings and Programs
All current programs and all upcoming courses should be listed on the web page indicated here.
Practical Theology of Compassion
Bringing together theological perspectives, theory, and practice, students will explore the significance and impact of compassion for the communities they serve. This includes exploring the experience of human suffering, the relationship between divine and human action, and means of change to develop transforming practices that reflect the baptismal call to advance God’s life-giving renewal in …
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Theology of Disability
What does the experience of disability tell us about what it means to be created in the image of God? What does scripture say (and not say) about disability? How does faith inform the church’s care for humans with disabilities? This course will delve into these questions and more through discussions of scripture, theology, and …
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