Pay Attention, Expect to Be Changed, Honor Your Connectedness, Choose Beauty, Live Radiantly. Rooted in early Quakerism, these advices call us to live more fully in all aspects of our lives. Explore them from a variety of perspectives and discover ways they can awaken and energize your daily life. Take time for personal reflection and …
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Journey Toward an Undivided Life: A Circle of Trust® Retreat Series Five Spiritual Principles
“Once again I felt profoundly grateful for the circles I first experienced at Pendle Hill –grateful for what they taught me about the reality and power of the soul, about a way of being together that allows the soul to make a claim on our lives, and about the miracles that can happen when we …
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What’s Your Story? Uncover Hidden Stories from Your Life Experiences
From a master storyteller, learn the process, elements, and skills needed to take your own life experiences and craft them into a story with the power to enlighten, inspire, and heal. By putting our joys and wounds into a narrative for others using motifs as old as humanity, we hear “the story we tell ourselves” …
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Beyond Diversity 101
Beyond Diversity 101 intends the healing transformation of personal relationships, community living, and organizations based in power-over dynamics and systematic discrimination. Participants are offered ways to move beyond assigning blame and increasing guilt so they can take responsibility, shift mindsets, and build useful skills. Teachers, workshop leaders, and all who choose to understand and change …
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Palestine of Jesus – Advent in the Holy Land
December 10 – December 19, 2013 $2,260 10 days This basic course provides the best introduction to the Holy Land, in a 14 day study tour with both academic and devotional aspects. This course has been the most popular and most requested program at St. George’s College Jerusalem.
Women in the Holy Land
November 20 – November 29, 2013 $2,260 10 days What is written in Scriptures about women? The differences between various streams of theology and philosophy are not a result of what is written but from “How do you read it”. Three Monotheistic faiths, each has its own reading, other groups have also theirs. How these …
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Palestine of Jesus
October 24 – November 06 $3,050 14 days
Ways in the Wilderness
October 01 – October 14, 2013 $5,200 14 days
Children of Abraham
September 06 – September 18, 2013 $2,310 12 days
Palestine of Jesus
August 15 – August 28, 2013 $3,050 14 days