Converging on Omega: The Mysticism of Teilhard de Chardin

Converging on Omega: The Mysticism of Teilhard de Chardin Thursday, April 7 – Sunday, April 10 Led by Rev. Dr. Cynthia Bourgeault, with Rev. Matthew Wright In this retreat, which will end on the 61st anniversary of Teilhard’s death, we will concentrate on how the mystical vision he first glimpsed during his stretcher-bearer days in World War I became the pole …
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The Politics of the Open-Hearted: Climate Change and Courage with Mardi Tindal and Dan Hines

 Sunday, July 24 – Saturday, July 30, 2016 The Politics of the Open-Hearted: Climate Change and Courage with Mardi Tindal and Dan Hines Mardi Tindal and Dan Hines will host an exploration of politics and possibility, heartbreak and hope, grief, faith and courage in a time of global warming and climate change. Our ‘blessed unrest’ …
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