Learning on Purpose: Changing Leadership for a Changing World

Learning on Purpose: Changing Leadership for a Changing World is the Centre for Christian Studies’ 2-week intensive leadership development module.  It is a practical, holistic, hands-on, learning community experience, and those who take it come out feeling transformed (in a good way!). Register for Learning on Purpose. Who should take part in Learning on Purpose? …
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Turning Ourselves Inside Out: Late COVID Reflections on Thriving Churches

Location: This event will take place online-only, via Zoom. Please register on this page, and the Zoom link will be sent to you. Description: Two evening sessions with Russ Daye and Rob Fennell, co-authors of Turning Ourselves Inside Out: Thriving Christian Communities. Join these two pastor-scholars to learn about their research on thriving churches, and …
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Beyond Empire: Rethinking the History of Global Christianity

Christianity was a demonstrably global faith (with its center of gravity in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East) before it became a predominantly Western religion (c.1500). Now, after roughly five centuries, it has once again reemerged as a hugely non-Western phenomenon. A full historical account reveals a faith that is inherently global because it is …
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Thomas Merton and Racism

Merton’s writings on the problem of racism are perhaps the least known of his works. They are, however, among his most important, not only because they address issues that arose at the height of the Civil Rights movement, but also because his writings continue to have astonishing relevance today. In this course, we will examine …
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Spirituality of Everyday Life: Learning from the Celtic, Benedictine, Franciscan and Ignatian Traditions

This course is about embodying an authentic spirituality that is rooted and lived out in the ordinariness of our daily existence—a life with God that is both human and holy – an everyday spirituality (based on exploring and learning from the varying yet overlapping features of Celtic, Benedictine, Franciscan, and Ignatian spiritualities). It seeks to …
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Transforming Power, Prejudice and Privilege: Building equitable, diverse and inclusive communities and organizations

Recognizing that our social structures and personal biases can get in the way of commitment to respecting our colleagues and community members, this interactive workshop will engage themes of prejudice, power and privilege in a manner that honours all voices in the room while also challenging the biases and structures that privilege some over others …
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Does Your Character Preach?

This week-long seminar, directed by Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung, is designed for preachers, church and campus ministry leaders, professors and others dedicated to work that shapes worship. We will explore questions such as, Why does cultivating Christlike character matter for how we preach? How do virtues such as wisdom and love, humility and gratitude, hope and …
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