Our Study Pilgrimages Our pilgrimage programs vary between 8 and 14 days, and we provide a unique combination of features that makes our pilgrimage programs distinctive and transformative. St George’s is an Anglican college, located beside the Anglican Cathedral of Jerusalem. Most Anglicans in the diocese are Palestinian, and the courses and pilgrimages offered by …
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21st Century Theology: Modern, Post-Modern, and Indigenous
Students will be introduced to the major theologians and theological movements of the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. This will include the perspectives of liberation, feminist, postmodern, and indigenous, including emerging Pacific theologies. Course will be taught in person at VST, and via Zoom for distance students (degree students must connect synchronously if studying …
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Transformations of Christian Worship in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries
Whether you worship at a megachurch in Korea, an Anglican cathedral, a small congregation on the prairies, or a Roman Catholic campus ministry, the way your community worships has been impacted by the multiple movements that have transformed Christian worship over the past century. In this course, we explore the liturgical movement, ecumenical movement, charismatic movement, …
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Soil, Roots, and Pathways: The Radical Ethos of Eastern Orthodoxy
This course offering begins our exploration of the soil, roots, and pathways of the Eastern Orthodox understanding of the spiritual life. Course will be taught in person at VST, and via Zoom for distance students (degree students must connect synchronously if studying via Zoom)
The Reforming Pope: Francis for Protestants and Others
We will examine the personality, history and ecclesiastical career of Jorge Mario Bergoglio (Pope Francis) and will explore two key primary texts of his reforming pontificate. Course will be taught in person at VST, and via Zoom for distance students (degree students must connect synchronously if studying via Zoom)
The Table, New Leaf Network National Event
We’ve been hearing from spiritual leaders and Jesus-followers all across Canada that they’re weary. For so many, the pandemic and the difficulties of this present moment in Canada have simply caused the reservoir to go dry. Pastors, planters, priests, and ministry leaders give so much of their time offering a meal to others, they often …
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Palestinian Theology in Context
Learn from Palestinian Christians by reading their theological contributions from the last 30 years. Deepen your understanding of the sociopolitical realities that contemporary Palestinians face while reflecting on the Palestinian Evangelical perspective. Together, we’ll explore major historical and theopolitical concerns, studying a theology of the land, the Kairos document, the relationship between the two testaments …
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Sorrento Summer Programs, 2022
This link provides a summary of their programs for this summer, and links to further details.
The Story of Christianity in Canada
Dive into the rich history of Christianity in Canada. Get to know its key figures as we track the movement from Protestant and Catholic roots to the rapid secularization of recent decades. Deepen your familiarity with church officials like Bp. Louis-Francois LaFleche and Rev. Nathanael Burwash, preachers Henry Alline and Aimee Semple McPherson, Indigenous leaders …
View course details “The Story of Christianity in Canada”
Courses for Spring and Summer Sessions, 2022
This page has a full listing of all the courses Regent is offering during their Spring and Summer Sessions. All are expected to be available online, unless there is a travel component. The ones that are of particular interest for Continuing Education are also listed in this database.