Working Blessedly: The Shape of Marketplace Theology

Marketplace theology is good for the soul, the body, and the workplace. But what is it? Join us as we build on the Puritan William Perkins’s definition of theology–the science of living blessedly forever–to explore a Christian vision of marketplace theology: working blessedly forever. Reflect scripturally and theologically on practical questions: Why work–remunerated or not? …
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When Christians Disagree: Church Unity in an Age of Division

Survey the typologies of engagement by various Christian traditions (giving particular attention to the broad evangelical tradition) with the public square, along the spectrum of disengagement, cooperation, co-optation, and confrontation. Analyze the theological assumptions and perspectives on the gospel that inform such engagement or lack thereof. Dominant evangelical paradigms of Christian engagement in the public …
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Supportive & Affordable Housing: How The Church Can Play A Role

In communities all across Canada, we see a startling increase in visible homelessness. Supportive housing, that’s also truly affordable, is generally accepted as the foundation for all other recovery: health (mental and physical), financial, relational, etc. Many churches in Canada are exploring involvement with affordable housing for a variety of reasons including having surplus land, …
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Master of Arts in Theology (Justice and Public Life) Degree Program

Master of Arts in Theology (Justice and Public Life) The Master of Arts in Theology (Justice and Public Life) is a two-year part-time graduate program designed for working professionals who wish to lead social change toward justice. Students will be introduced to the ways the Bible, history, theology, and practical theology can make a meaningful …
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Pastoral Care with Marginalized Communities

This course focuses on practical and theological foundations for engaging authentically and meaningfully with communities where life experiences, identities, and/or demographic characteristics reveal a social divide that can preclude others (and ourselves) from recognizing their full humanity.  Readings and other course content integrate literature from social science, practical theology, and personal narratives of experience.  The …
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