Growing in Wisdom 2-year program

TWO YEARS OF LEARNING AND EXPLORING FOR THOSE SEEKING A SPIRITUALITY FOR THEIR WISDOM YEARS Inspired by and drawing various resources from the Forest Dwelling Program at Oblate School of Theology, San Antonio TX Upcoming Dates: First Intensive: Tuesday September 26 – Saturday September 30, 2023 Second Intensive: Tuesday February 13 – Saturday February 17, …
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Teaching Ministry

This introductory course focuses on biblical and theological understandings of Christian education and community formation for discipleship and mission. It explores techniques, tools and technology for improving the effectiveness of those who teach and those who learn in a congregational setting. Teaching in your local parish is an energizing way to spread the Gospel. Sharpen …
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Does Your Character Preach?

This week-long seminar, directed by Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung, is designed for preachers, church and campus ministry leaders, professors and others dedicated to work that shapes worship. We will explore questions such as, Why does cultivating Christlike character matter for how we preach? How do virtues such as wisdom and love, humility and gratitude, hope and …
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Worship and Work

The modern divide between Sunday worship and Monday work has had a devastating impact on the church. Many Christians today report that worship in the sanctuary feels completely disconnected from their work in the world. It’s almost as if they live in two separate worlds. Living their lives in pieces, the pieces–not surprisingly–begin to die. …
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