An introduction to chaplaincy practices in a criminal justice context. Students develop knowledge of offenses and sentences, prison dynamics and security issues, and skills in pastoral interviewing, maintaining public presence, faith formation, worship and rituals, ecumenical and inter-faith accommodation, restorative justice, and reintegration initiatives.
Practical Preaching: From Preparation to Proclamation
John 20:18 tells us that “Mary Magdalene went and announced to the disciples, ‘I have seen the Lord’; and she told them that he had said these things to her.” In this, Mary is the first evangelist, the first to proclaim the resurrected Christ. In other words, she was the first preacher. Preaching doesn’t need …
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The Diaconal Hermeneutic
As we live into the fourth wave of the current renewal of the Sacred Order of Deacons in The Episcopal Church, we are gaining greater clarity about the distinctive nature of the “full and equal order,” and we are increasingly able and willing to invite the gift of prophetic servant leadership. At the heart of …
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Pastoral Care with Marginalized Communities
This course focuses on practical and theological foundations for engaging authentically and meaningfully with communities where life experiences, identities, and/or demographic characteristics reveal a social divide that can preclude others (and ourselves) from recognizing their full humanity. Readings and other course content integrate literature from social science, practical theology, and personal narratives of experience. The …
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Images of Diakonia
Diaconal ministry has at its heart connecting Christian scripture and tradition with the needs, hopes and concerns of the world. Using a framework of five key images, students will strengthen awareness of the sacred in the Church and the wider community, invigorate their practice of diakonia, and gain confidence in engaging others to do the …
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Called to Transformation: Ecumenical Diakonia
The Diakonia of the Americas and Caribbean (DOTAC) will hold an online study series event using the document, “Called to Transformation: Ecumenical Diakonia.” The document to be used is a joint publication of the World Council of Churches and ACT Alliance and which provides a common platform for acting and reflecting together for the churches and …
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The Deacon’s Path
This 10-week online course is designed for those exploring the ministry of deacon and priest and is a requirement for those in the certificate program for the diaconate. The course includes an historical understanding of the role of deacon, as well as an exploration of the role of the deacon in the “Jesus Movement in …
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Leading Reserved Sacrament – Fall 2022
Are you a Lay Minister seeking to get a license for ministry? Or are you just interested in learning more? If so, please join us as we explore all you need to lead services of Reserved Sacrament in your parish and community! To Register or for more information please contact Barbara Labrecque by emailing: [email protected]
The Diaconate
The Diaconate is an online course for deacons, deacons in formation, and those wishing to be better grounded in a sound understanding of The Sacred Order of Deacons including especially, members of local discernment committees and members of Commissions on Ministry. The course will consider the history of the Order of Deacons—what is helpful and what is …
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The Diaconal Hemeneutic
As we live into the fourth wave of the current renewal of the Sacred Order of Deacons in The Episcopal Church, we are gaining greater clarity about the distinctive nature of the “full and equal order,” and we are increasingly able and willing to invite the gift of prophetic servant leadership. At the heart of …
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