Program Westar Public Lectures Politics, Patriarchy and Power, Raheel Raza A New New Testament, Hal Taussig Westar Academic Seminars Christianity Seminar Seminar on God and the Human Future AAR/SBL Program Highlights Register online Sign up for lectures only
Feast for Friends 2014
Feast for Friends 2014 Start: September 20, 2014 10:00 am End: September 20, 2014 7:00 pm
Living Cosmology: Christian Responses to Journey of the Universe
Living Cosmology: Christian Responses to Journey of the Universe Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of Thomas Berry’s birth November 7-9, 2014 Yale Divinity School 409 Prospect St. New Haven, CT Event page Flyer Registration page
Trinity Institute 2015: Creating Common Good
Creating Common Good WHAT’S TI2015? Trinity Institute is an annual conference, now in its 44th year, that equips clergy and laypersons for imaginative and catalytic leadership. Trinity Institute conferences present emerging and inclusive theological perspectives and engage participants in inquiry, dialogue, and reflection. Participants from all faith traditions are welcomed. The conference is sponsored by …
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Christianity after Religion with Diana Butler Bass
Diana Butler Bass is an author, speaker, and independent scholar specializing in American religion and culture. She holds a Ph.D. in religious studies from Duke University and is the author of eight books, including Christianity After Religion: The End of Church and the Birth of a New Spiritual Awakening (HarperOne, 2012). Her other books include A …
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The Other Side of Chaos
Guided Retreat: May 22–24, 2015 We are living through ‘interesting’ times of enormous change and transition. Global changes affect our future as a human family on this planet, as well as our personal lives and choices. The pattern of breakdown followed by breakthrough runs through the whole of life, and through the heart of …
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Phyllis Tickle: Who Stole My Church?
Phyllis Tickle Sunday Evening Talk: ” Who Stole My Church?” eing Christian and Being Church in the 21st Century November 2, 2014 at 7:00 pm (Book Signing at 6:30 pm) Fee: by Donation
Being and Believing in the Age of the Spirit
Special Opportunity: October 31-November 2, 2014 We are living in and through a period of time that is known as the “Great Emergence”. Like the Great Reformation of five hundred years ago and the Great Schism of a thousand years ago, our Great Emergence is an era of enormous change in every part of …
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Summer School on “Communication and Religion”
WACC is pleased to announce a Summer School on “Communication and Religion” that will take place 16-21 June 2014 in Toronto, Canada. The Summer School is being organized in cooperation with Emmanuel College (Victoria University, University of Toronto), the Friedrich-Alexander-University, Erlangen-Nuremberg (Germany) and WACC. Students will work with faculty staff to study religion, media, …
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Practicing Spirituality with Brian McLaren
Practicing Spirituality with Brian McLaren Ash Wednesday, March 5 – Easter Sunday, April 20, 2014 Led by Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat Subscribe to this E-Course Lent is a perfect opportunity to spend some quality time taking stock of who we are, what we believe, what we stand for, and …
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