Re-Forming: The Call to be Faithful in our World

Michael Morwood Posted By: Kirkridge Type: Retreats Share: Time: June 2, 2017 6:30 PM until June 4, 2017 Location: Kirkridge Contact: More Info: Our lifetimes have seen the greatest transformation of theological/spiritual belief ever.  These years have featured radical questioning of authoritative religious beliefs, awareness of human dependence on a healthy planet as an essential …
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Rethinking Church

Rethinking Church July 26-28, 2017 Faith and Culture  Are we still doing Sunday morning just like it’s 1950? In what ways have our worship, education and fellowship changed? How is the Holy Spirit forming community in our contexts in 2017? In the last century, Christian congregations in North America largely imagined their mission as attracting people to Sunday morning. Active Christians …
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Mid-Winter Convocation—Translating the Reformation: Table Talks Today

Mid-Winter Convocation—Translating the Reformation: Table Talks Today February 1-3, 2017 During his lifetime, Martin Luther would spend time with students conversing about God’s living presence in the midst of the struggles of daily life. The theology that emerged changed the political and religious landscape across all of Europe. Today, people are also faced with political and religious …
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Lansing Lee Conference

Practicing the faith October 22, 2017 – October 24, 2017 For I Was a Stranger More information on 2017’s Lansing Lee Conference forthcoming. The annual Lansing Lee Conference honors the memory of Lansing B. Lee Jr. of Augusta, GA. Lee participated in many aspects of Kanuga’s programs and governance for more than 50 years. The …
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Nuevo Amanecer

Supporting ministry within the Latino/Hispanic Community August 27 – 30, 2018 Auspiciado con la colaboración de la oficina de la Iglesia Episcopal/Ministerio Latino y la Oficina de Ministerios Latinos de la Iglesia Luterana en América (ELCA). Este evento bi-anual ofrecerá herramientas prácticas para fortalecer y equipar aquellos que trabajan en el ministerio de la comunidad …
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