What does it mean to speak of a Christian Left? Who is included under the label the Christian Left? In the last decades, the Christian left has been undergoing enormous reconfiguration: new actors, issues and concerns have uncovered the colonial underbelly of the Christian Left. From the Suffrage movements through to the Social Gospel, and …
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VTS List of Courses for Auditors at the Master’s Level
The Auditor Program is design for those interested in taking master’s level courses at the Seminary without enrolling in a degree program or receiving credit. This option is designed for alumni, clergy, and lay leaders seeking continuing education opportunities. Students who already have earned a bachelor’s degree may apply to be an Auditor, a status …
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YACM 2021 Leadership Conference
The Young Adult and Campus Ministry Annual Leadership Conference, to be held June 15-17, 2021, is an opportunity for Episcopal leaders in ministry with young adults on and off college campuses to meet and connect with one another and to be nourished and nurtured in their ministry. Our hope is that the participants will: find …
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Holy Listening –Learning to listen in faith community.
This 5-session module in small group formation will include storytelling, group check-ins, and listening for God through what is being shared in small groups. Led by The Rev. Marsha Roscoe.
Summer Mini-Courses for a COVID-shaped World
Calvin Theological Seminary, in collaboration with the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship and the Center for Excellence in Preaching, is offering courses designed to support your ministry leadership amidst the ongoing pandemic. These online mini-courses focus on key ministry challenges you face today. With a commitment of about four hours per week for three weeks, each …
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Living Wholeheartedly in These Uncertain Times: Virtual Circle of Trust ® Mini-Retreats
How might we live “whole” and “hearted” in these particular and uncertain times? Using metaphor from the natural world, poetry and passages from various wisdom traditions, music and the visual arts, and listening and sharing, we will spend time in quiet and community to explore the question, “How can I live wholeheartedly in these uncertain …
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Faith, Race, & Place in the City
As racial conflict features prominently in North American cities, what do communities of belonging and reconciliation look like? Insights from practical theology and social science can inform the challenges and opportunities for churches and Christian communities as they seek to re-imagine discipleship, hospitality, and justice for the flourishing of their neighborhoods and cities. Delve into …
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Race, Racism and Christian Identity
Despite professed ideals and incremental progress, racism persists as a powerful, deeply entrenched social reality. Lay a theological foundation for confronting the chief forms of racism from a Christian perspective. Examine the status of “races,” trace the history of racism in modern societies, and analyze case studies in light of a biblical vision of humanity, …
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Keeping an Open Heart in Troubled Times
Keeping an Open Heart in Troubled Times Date: Wednesday, May 12th, 10am – 12pm (PT) Venue: Online via Zoom | Registration below A workshop with The Rev. Deborah van Deusen Hunsinger. This workshop will address the challenge of keeping your heart open with compassion while witnessing so much suffering in and around us. How do …
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Religion & Thoughtful Activism–Online Academic & Community Conference
Conference Theme The world is changing. Our politics, economics, climate, and health are under stress. Old social divisions are intensifying. New coalitions are forming. We’re examining the justice of relationships in and between community institutions. People of faith, along with others, feel called to take action. But what are best practices for activism, resistance, and …
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