Working Genius: Discover and apply new and effective leadership tool

We are pleased to add this relevant new series of training workshops using the recently developed tool “Working Genius” which we are applying to the Congregational Leadership Stream. The following workshops can be taken together, or you can register for “Discover your Leadership Genius” as a stand alone workshop applied to the mediation stream or …
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The intent of this workshop is to address more complex siutations, whether the conflict is more entrenched, the mental health continum more advanced in one or more parties, or the environment creates additional risks. Further details to be announced.  

Mental Health and Conflict

In order to deliver content to better meet expectations, we are offering two workshops. Mental Health and Conflict Introduction and Mental Health and Conflict Advanced.  See workshop descriptions below for more details: MENTAL HEALTH AND CONFLICT: INTRODUCTION Instructor: Marg Van Herk-Paradis As we gain a greater awareness of and recognize the impact mental health challenges have in …
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Forming Peaceable Congregations: A Biblical Perspective

To which biblical passages do we turn when we are hurting and angry? What do judgment, mercy and forgiveness mean when the Body of Christ is torn by conflict? This workshop assumes that the Bible is a critical conversation partner when we experience conflict in our congregation. As a group, participants will be invited to wrestle theologically and biblically toward a …
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Understanding Conflict Foundations

This highly interactive and educational workshop invites you to consider the building blocks that create conflict and those that assist or detract in conflict’s resolution. The workshop includes reflection, conversation, and exercises as conflicts are studied and models for addressing conflicts are considered. Significant time will be given to skill building for effective speaking and …
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Working Genius: Discover and apply a new and effective leadership tool

We are pleased to add this relevant new series of training workshops using the recently developed tool “Working Genius” which we are applying to the Congregational Leadership Stream.  The following workshops can be taken together, or you can register for “Discover your Leadership Genius” as a stand alone workshop applied to the mediation stream or congregational …
View course details “Working Genius: Discover and apply a new and effective leadership tool”