Mennonites in Canada—from 1970 to the Present

With Brian Froese, CMU Professor of History This course will explore what life was like in 1970 to the present and how Mennonites faced changes with respect to topics such as women in leadership, worship, music, education, missions, Indigenous relations, and politics in the context of larger social pressures.  

Pacifism with the War in Ukraine in Mind and Heart

With Harry Huebner, CMU Professor Emeritus of Theology and Philosophy There are those who say that nothing has challenged their pacifist convictions more than the war in Ukraine. This course will create a forum for expressing thoughts and feelings about the horrors of war and will consider again what Christian pacifism is about.  

Understanding Conflict Advanced–ONLINE

Facilitator: Betty Pries This workshop uses the two lenses of conflict drivers and conflict paradoxes and considers seemingly intractable conflicts and their transformation. Questions for consideration include the nature of intractability, de-escalation strategies, transforming intractable conflicts, and engaging emotions. This workshop builds on Understanding Conflict: Foundations. It is highly interactive, insightful, engaging, and critical for all …
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The Art of Mindful Mediation

Facilitator: Betty Pries The goal of this workshop is to: a) introduce participants to a mediation style that purposefully shifts according to the needs expressed by the clients; b) invite participants to reimagine the types of questions mediators ask to expand the potential of transforming conflict; c) draw from the interior condition of the mediator to …
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Conflict Coaching Skills

Facilitator: Betty Pries There is no greater satisfaction than to see another person flourish and to know that one’s presence has helped a person come to this place. While conflict can cause people to struggle, a conflict coach partners with those in a conflict, empowering them to be at their best, to engage their conflict well, …
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Understanding Conflict Foundations–ONLINE

Facilitator: Marg Van Herk-Paradis This highly interactive and educational workshop invites you to consider the building blocks that create conflict and those that assist or detract in conflict’s resolution. The workshop includes reflection, conversation, and exercises as conflicts are studied and models for addressing conflicts are considered. Significant time will be given to skill building …
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