Conflict Coaching Skills

There is no greater satisfaction than to see another person flourish and to know that one’s presence has helped a person come to this place. While conflict can cause people to struggle, a conflict coach partners with those in a conflict, empowering them to be at their best, to engage their conflict well and to …
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Understanding Conflict Foundations

This highly interactive and educational workshop invites you to consider the building blocks that create conflict and those that assist or detract in conflict’s resolution. The workshop includes reflection, conversation, and exercises as conflicts are studied and models for addressing conflicts are considered. Significant time will be given to skill building for effective speaking and …
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Understanding Conflict Foundations

This highly interactive and educational workshop invites you to consider the building blocks that create conflict and those that assist or detract in conflict’s resolution. The workshop includes reflection, conversation, and exercises as conflicts are studied and models for addressing conflicts are considered. Significant time will be given to skill building for effective speaking and …
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Understanding Conflict Foundations

This highly interactive and educational workshop invites you to consider the building blocks that create conflict and those that assist or detract in conflict’s resolution. The workshop includes reflection, conversation, and exercises as conflicts are studied and models for addressing conflicts are considered. Significant time will be given to skill building for effective speaking and …
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Making Meaning in a time of Media Polarization

An Inter-Religious Conference Available via online, in-person, and hybrid formats Conference Theme Religious and spiritual teachers help people interpret their experiences and find meaning in their lives. This work is urgently needed in our time. Radio, television, and news groups sow polarization. Social media cultivates outrage. In the public sphere, disinformation mixes freely with information. …
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The Red- (and Blue-) Letter Bible: Reading the Book Together in a Divided Land

Amid political polarization in the U.S., Christians who believe and advocate on each side of the Red-Blue divide tend to cite scripture as if God’s voice is simply and very unambiguously on their side. However, inconveniently for these Right- and Left-wing advocates, the Bible is politically and theologically multi-vocal. One strand of tradition craves a …
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Transforming Group Dynamics

Group dynamics are complex at best! When groups fall into high conflict, they tend to require an intentional multi-pronged intervention.  This interactive and engaging workshop considers issues common to both group dynamics and high conflict groups.  Multiple strategies for addressing these complex issues will be considered, including: assessing high conflict groups navigating group dynamics building …
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Understanding Conflict Advanced

This workshop, uses the two lenses of conflict drivers and conflict paradoxes, and considers seemingly intractable conflicts and their transformation. Questions for consideration include the nature of intractability, de-escalation strategies, transforming intractable conflicts and engaging emotions. This workshop builds on Understanding Conflict: Foundations. It is highly interactive, insightful, engaging and critical for all those who wish …
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