Spiritual Memoir: Where a Life Meets Mystery

Each person’s life is a sacred story—unique, laden with insight and eager for engagement.  When we write our experiences, we discover patterns in the details, open ourselves to surprises, and participate in meaning-making.  Writing memories, done with intention, becomes a transformational practice. Join Elizabeth Jarrett Andrew, author of Writing the Sacred Journey and Living Revision, for this introductory …
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Putting Money in Its Place

Most North Americans grow up in a culture that worships money, embedded in an economic system that holds money up as the only true measure of value. But money is a failed god, as we see in the fear that threatens our personal well-being and our relationships, in the overwork and overwhelm that guts community …
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French For Ministry: A Week-Long Intensive Course

This course is centered around enhancing French linguistic and communication skills for pastoral contexts. This includes grammar revision, the sharing of French resources such as church and biblical vocabulary, preparation of prayers, and role playing pastoral care situations. Participants may take this course as part of the Certificate in Bilingual Ministry or as a stand-alone …
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