The course explores the parables of Jesus in their historical, cultural, and literary contexts. A close study of specific parables will determine the embedded theological themes, ethical lessons, codifications for social reconstruction, and the significance of the parabolic discourse for the Church and society today. I am thrilled to be the instructor for the course …
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Biblical Storytellers Fall Retreat 2022
Friday supper to early afternoon Sunday with music and worship contemplative times biblical telling coaching for newcomers and those deepening their practice “Come away to the Rocky Mountains and spend time learning to tell Scripture this fall! King’s Fold is not far from Calgary, Alberta. This will be a time for those new to by-heart …
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Marc Chagall Paints the Bible
Presenter: Fr. Craig E. Morrison, O.Carm. Born into poverty in Belarus, Marc Chagall endured a most turbulent time with the violent collapse of czarist Russia and two world wars. In 1941, he and his wife, Bella, fled for their lives to New York escaping the Shoah while carrying with them the White Crucifixion (a Chagall …
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Gospel of Mark
This class enables students to recognize and identify the themes, motifs, literary features, and theological emphases of the Gospel according to Mark! This 10-week course will be taught by Dr. Jodi Belcher on Monday nights from 7-8PM, starting on May 23. This course will be conducted weekly on Zoom. Class materials and activities will be …
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Introduction to Hebrew Scriptures
This course is designed to introduce a student to the study of the writings of the Old Testament with special attention to the methods, principles, and tools for such study and to the historical, literary, and theological aspects and significance of these writings. This 10-week course will be taught by Collin Cornell on Tuesday nights …
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Pilgrimage – St Paul in Rome
Pilgrimage to Saint Paul’s sites in Rome, led by Father Scott Brodeur, S.J., professor at the Gregorian University in Rome. This pilgrimage will be a prayerful journey on the footsteps of St Paul in the City of Rome where he came to share the gospel and his life for his brothers and sisters in Christ. …
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Pilgrimages to the Holy Land of Israel and Palestine
Our Study Pilgrimages Our pilgrimage programs vary between 8 and 14 days, and we provide a unique combination of features that makes our pilgrimage programs distinctive and transformative. St George’s is an Anglican college, located beside the Anglican Cathedral of Jerusalem. Most Anglicans in the diocese are Palestinian, and the courses and pilgrimages offered by …
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Who is Jesus (NT II)
An introduction to a portion of the New Testament: 1 Thessalonians, 1 Corinthians, Galatians, Romans, Philippians, Colossians, 1 Peter, Hebrews and Revelation. The guiding question of the course is: ‘Who is Jesus?’ This course functions as the second half of the Wycliffe introduction to the New Testament, or it can be taken on its own. …
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Jeremiah: Sorrow Beyond Healing
Summary: This course on the Book of Jeremiah will examine the book’s content and themes, giving particular attention to reading through the lens of trauma studies with a wide variety of voices past and present, including global voices. We will focus on select passages with a view to using the text in the life of …
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Survey of the Bible
BIBL 2023 This course lays the foundation for advanced study of the Bible by helping students acquire knowledge of the basic contents and narrative of the Bible.