This course provides an in-depth exploration of two central Christian doctrines – the Trinity and the person of Christ – as well as reflection on the role of Holy Scripture and the nature of theology. This is the first part of a two-part sequence in basic Christian doctrine. 1 credit.
Joshua-Kings: Promise and Failure in the Land
This course traces Israel’s covenant life in the promised land during the time of Joshua, the judges, and the kings and prophets of Israel. From the peoples’ entry to the land to their exile from it, the land was the focal point of the faithful expressions and profound failures of covenant life. The characters and …
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From Creation to Renewed Creation: Biblical Visions of God’s Good Future
With Dan Epp-Tiessen, CMU Associate Professor Emeritus of Bible This course will explore biblical visions of God’s good future as portrayed in the Old Testament prophets, the book of Daniel, the Gospels, the letters of Paul, and the challenging book of Revelation. The course will claim that the New Testament asserts that the God who …
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Paul: A Radical Jew as God’s Messenger to Non-Jews
With Tom Yoder Neufeld; Professor Emeritus of New Testament and Peace Studies, Conrad Grebel University College, and author of Recovering Jesus: the Witness of the New Testament God’s baffling decision to choose a fiercely radical Jewish Pharisee to be a prophetic messenger to non-Jews, to Gentiles, has brought immeasurable benefits to millions—including ourselves—but also a …
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The Beginnings of Christology
If Jesus of Nazareth was merely a Galilean Jew executed by the Romans early in the first century, how did such significant belief and worship of him emerge after his death? This course introduces students to the ways that the earliest Christian documents, especially the New Testament, attest to the identity and significance of Jesus …
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Praying and Preaching the Psalms
Preaching and praying the Psalms is a ten-week online class about drawing on the Psalter as a spiritual resource. The course considers the literary shaping of the whole Psalter: its deliberate introduction (Pss 1-2), its internal divisions, its overall arc from lament to praise. The course addresses difficult psalms of imprecation (like Psalm 137), and …
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The Gospel of Matthew
An exploration of the Gospel of Matthew, this learning opportunity is designed for discovering mission exploration, deepening the spiritual life of your community, and for those who preach and teach. Sign-up for this and any 10-week courses on Populi. Find a quick how-to video here. Don’t have a Populi login? Send us a quick email.
Interpreting Scripture
Do you want to understand how to interpret scripture better? Do you want to learn to interpret scripture to preach in your community? Then join the Rev. Oz Lorentzen this Fall for the Calgary School of Discipleship course: “The Interpretation of Scriptures: An Introductory Course for Lay Ministry and Licensing”. This course will provide an …
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Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy: An Online Bible Study
The last three books of the Pentateuch – Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy – are among the most challenging in the Bible. From obscure rituals to the narratives of Israel in the wilderness, from the law against homosexuality to the golden rule, from Mount Sinai to the border of Canaan, these books span a wide range …
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Orientation to the Old Testament
This course provides an orientation to the Old Testament Scriptures for those with limited exposure to and knowledge of its content. Orientation to the whole Old Testament in the space of seven weeks is made possible by seeing it from many different perspectives. Sometimes we look at the whole, as scripture and canon–especially at the …
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