Too often, “biblical womanhood” has been a term defined by submission and meekness, used to keep women in their place. Jordan Haynie Ware, of podcast Two Feminists Annotate the Bible has found through her studies that this just doesn’t match the Scriptures as written. Rather, the women of Scripture, and God’s interactions with them, have …
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Leer la Biblia: Nuevo Testamento – Jesús, una alianza renovada con Dios
Este curso es una introducción al Nuevo Testamento. Aunque más enfocado en una perspectiva hermenéutica que exegética, no se limitará a presentar el Cristo de la fe sino también se desempeña en descubrir quién pudo haber sido el Jesús histórico y lo que éste puede significar para los creyentes de hoy. Una particular atención será …
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Leer la Biblia: Antiguo Testamento – Un Dios fiel, promesa y liberación
Este curso es una aproximación al Antiguo Testamento. En este se exploran los contextos de redacción y los grandes puntos de referencia de la historia de Israel. Se busca ofrecer a los estudiantes un conocimiento bíblico acorde a su utilidad litúrgica para los compromisos en sus parroquias. Desde esta perspectiva, se trata más de un …
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The Sensual Gospel of John: Experiencing the Fourth Gospel through the Five Senses
“The Word made flesh,” according to William Temple, is the most important phrase in all of Christianity because it affirms flesh as the vehicle and instrument for spirit. Although some scholars have described Jesus in John’s Gospel as a detached “god who seems to glide over the face of the earth,” a closer look reveals how much John’s Jesus takes great delight …
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The Anglican Bible: Scriptural Conversation & Formation
What is particular and peculiar about the Bible in Anglicanism? What do Anglican bring to their reading, study, and interpretation of the Bible? How does the Bible affect the way Anglicans live out their faith through worship, study, and many forms of ministry and service? In answering these questions this course studies how the Bible …
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The Prophets
This course is a survey course of prophets in Ancient Israel and the texts of the prophets of the Hebrew Bible. Studying the language of the prophetic corpus, we will explore the historical, social, and political contexts of the writings and their meanings for the intended audience and readers today. By the end of the …
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21 Questions about the Trinity That We Have Always Wanted to Know
St. Aidan’s Church, in the Diocese of Rupert’s Land, will be running a three-session Zoom course on the Trinity, taught by Rev. Kim Salo. The course is open to anyone in the diocese, and will be held over the course of three Sundays, January 15 – 29.If you would like to join us for this …
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In the Beginning: Classic Christian and Jewish Pathways to Understanding the Book of Genesis
“These stories [in the early chapters of Genesis] have provided a foundation for three of the world’s major religions—Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Furthermore, arguably, these pages also provide the foundations on which Western civilization as we know it today has been built. Indeed, few questions are more fundamental to human existence than Who am I? …
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Jesus in Context
Jesus in Context examines Jesus as a human being: as a Jewish reformer, prophet, teacher, storyteller, and as designated by others: Savior, Word (Logos), and Wisdom (Sophia), since these are first-century views. We will also include “Son/Child of Humanity/(M)an,” Son of David, and Son of God which also belong to the first century C.E. and …
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Introduction to the New Testament
Designed to lead you to read the New Testament itself, New Testament Survey provides essential historical and cultural background information and carefully examines the content of each book in the New Testament.