The Red- (and Blue-) Letter Bible: Reading the Book Together in a Divided Land

Amid political polarization in the U.S., Christians who believe and advocate on each side of the Red-Blue divide tend to cite scripture as if God’s voice is simply and very unambiguously on their side. However, inconveniently for these Right- and Left-wing advocates, the Bible is politically and theologically multi-vocal. One strand of tradition craves a …
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The Bible through Art and Artifact III : The Bible and Wonder

This course combines engaging study of the Bible with some of Yale’s greatest treasures, delivered to you virtually!  Each class is divided into two sections.  The first part of class we will engage biblical texts around the theme of wonder.  The second part enriches our learning with a related online tour of one of Yale’s stunning collections, guided …
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Candler Foundry Courses

Theological education for everyone. Explore issues that matter to your faith and community with leading scholars and experienced practitioners. A variety of short courses, most or all available online.

The Sermon on the Mount

No portion of Scripture has been more thoroughly studied, preached upon, or written about than the Sermon on the Mount. This famous and influential passage from the Gospel of Matthew has a bearing on many fundamental questions of Christian life: What is the nature of God’s kingdom? What does godliness look like? What ethical considerations …
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The Book of Joshua

The Book of Joshua recounts Yahweh’s fulfilment of a centuries-old promise to Abraham–the promise that his descendants would inherit the land of Canaan. Historically understood as a testimony to the faithfulness and power of God, Joshua has become controversial in recent years. Is this a story about God’s gracious provision, or a record of genocide? …
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