Pauline Scriptures; In the thick of an unfinished story: an exploration of Paul’s theology.

This course provides an investigation into Paul’s theology across his undisputed letters in the New Testament. We will read and discuss portions of Paul’s writings in conversation with a variety of interpretative perspectives in order to gain insight into the historical, literary, social, and theological textures of Paul’s communications. Our focus will be on discerning, …
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Encouragement Conference — Worship, Scripture, the Arts

We invite you to join us in beautiful Montreal from May 16-18!!  A conference focused on your encouragement and renewal. Through scriptural teaching, vibrant worship, reflection in the arts, be encouraged and renewed for ministry. Rebekah Eklund Rebekah Eklund is associate professor of theology at Loyola University Maryland, where she teaches Scripture, theology, and ethics. …
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