Wellsprings: Going Deeper into Mystery

September 18, 2022 - September 22, 2022
September 18 to 22, 2022. Start and end times unknown.
Offered by Sorrento Centre
TBA + accommodation and meals

Wild Church is a sacred nature-based experience to awaken deep love for self, earth and all beings for the survival and healing of the planet.  It is a new expression of church where Mystery is experienced, not explained. Wild Church BC is hosting this course which offers participants a chance to go deeper in their relationship with creation and Creator.

This is a private retreat for those who have participated in prior Wild Church programs. If you would like further information on this retreat or other Wild Church gatherings please contact LeAnn Blackert at [email protected]

Rev LeAnn Blackert is in ministry with Wild Church plants in Kamloops, Sorrento and the Okanagan area. Originally ordained and serving in the United Church of Christ/USA, love and a call nudged LeAnn over the border and ultimately into ministry with the United Church in this area. She started planting wild churches three years ago and is a recent graduate of Seminary of the Wild.

Lesly Comrie has lived and worked in Kamloops for the past eighteen years. Her spiritual roots were first nurtured in the Anglican Church, later in the United Church and over time in the beautiful wild ecology of places lived and visited. Lesly is a graduate of Seminary of the Wild.

Michele Walker grew up playing in the mountains of the West Kootenays and has come to love the valley, grasslands and blue skies of Kamloops. Michele’s faith life has been rooted in the Christian tradition in the Lutheran and United Churches and she finds her truest home in Wild Church. She is a graduate of Seminary of the Wild.

Linda Clark was drawn to Kamloops where the beautiful North and South Thompson Rivers meet in 2008. She grew up and raised her own family in Richmond surrounded by the mighty Fraser River and the Gulf of Georgia. She found her greatest spiritual connection and deep meaning in her life when she discovered the wisdom held in a 20 Count Medicine Wheel. She set out on a journey to deepen into the Earth Wisdom Teachings and lives into these practices that go well beyond. A graduate of Seminary of the Wild.



Categories: Ecology/Theology  |  Retreats