New Visions For The Long Pastorate

May 14, 2018 - May 16, 2018
Offered by Luther Seminary
St. Paul, MN

May 14-16, 2018

Pastoral Resources

Research conducted by Roy Oswald while a senior consultant with the Alban Institute indicated that there are challenges to remaining effective within a long pastorate. When in one pastorate for more than seven to nine years, some negative dynamics can begin to occur. He discovered that through training, clergy could manage these challenges confidently, which allowed them to capitalize on the many advantages of a long pastorate. This training is important as long pastorates are a good and desirable thing. It is difficult for congregations to attain long-term goals without long-term pastorates. In the case of some congregations, long pastorates are needed to overcome years of dysfunctional and unproductive ministries. This seminar engages lectures, experiential learning, and small group activities.

Participants will learn:

  • Concrete ways of preventing burnout in a long pastorate
  • Three ways of gaining accurate feedback from congregational members
  • Leadership strategies for keeping a congregation on its growing edge
  • A discernment process to answer the question, “Should I stay another five years or move on?”
  • Ways to pay attention to the accumulation of power in a long pastorate and continue to empower strong lay leadership
  • Ways to engage in a strategic planning process that will focus the energy of the congregation
Categories: Leadership  |  Pastoral Ministry  |  Seminars